Tag Archives: animals

Help us to purchase our new collaring and community engagement vehicle!

Thank you to all of the supporters of our hyenas and communities project over the past several years. We have been so excited to work alongside community members, scientists, conservationists, and the public to understand environmentally just avenues for human-carnivore coexistence. Building on this momentum, we are currently in the beginning stages of developing a Kenyan-led NGO which we’ve named the Humans and Hyenas Alliance (acronym = HAHA ;)), with the support of the National Geographic Society and all of our partners. The Humans and Hyenas Alliance is centered around understanding and promoting the shared wellbeing of people, hyenas, and other misunderstood wildlife in the Nakuru region of Kenya. Check out our beta website here: https://hyenacoexistence.org/.

As part of our most recent project, over the next 2-3 years we will be partnering with The Peregrine Fund and some other amazing Kenyan scientists and veterinarians to conduct research on behavioral interactions between avian and mammalian scavenging species in relation to carcass and disease removal. We’ll also be organizing capacity building efforts, such as funding community ambassadors to log the presence of scavenging species in 16 nearby sub-villages, organizing “scavenging species safaris” for local youth and their parents, leading hands-on snare removal education projects with local secondary students, and of course providing key training for the future Kenyan leaders of the Humans and Hyenas Alliance. Unfortunately, one of our primary field vehicles recently broke, and we are currently in need of a replacement vehicle for hyena collaring and community engagement. You can donate and/or share our fundraiser for the vehicle here! Even a simple share helps immensely. Thank you for your support.

A wonderfully fluffy hyena cub from the Diatomite Clan on Soysambu Conservancy. Photo taken in March 2024.